Friday 4 August 2017

Will I ever give in?

The wonders of turning on the light when in darkness. I've not really understood why I push myself to do more when I know I absolutely need and often want to be resting, everything in my worn out body is begging me to stop and stay put but I push on regardless. Growing up, or rather being dragged up by my short and curlies, I was never believed to be ill unless I was ill enough for a doctor to be called (and not actually drunk on mother's sherry which would have been ever so embarrassing had she called the doctor, which she almost did. I was 8). I recall, when in my most defiant years of teenhood whitening my face and darkening my eyes to appear as I felt in order to get the TLC I needed, which mostly consisted of a day in bed, in perfect solitude mopping my own brow, my idea of rock and roll at a time when I couldn't breathe without mother's dramatic flip outs at some other wrongdoing I'd unwittingly done to her. So it occurred to me as I heavily lay in bed since around no, not awake at 3 am again and resigned to knowing that I am now well and truly sapped of any will to push myself beyond the loo, I will be permissibly doing fuck all today and that instead of remaining in my pj's unshowered and perfectly relaxed and willing to spend the day submerged in restfulness yesterday I felt a tight pull to tidy myself and not only go out but stay out way beyond my health permitted, popping painkillers to quiet the throbbing reminders of what a bloody fool I am, that return to childhood I make time and time again as if I've not been punished enough. I have made this connection previously but I guess the story never ends until we are ready to gracefully submit.

Sunday 21 May 2017

Other people's money?

"Other people's money" gained how? Hard work? Undoubtedly, unless inherited then it's other people's hard work, slaves included. Through other people's hard work? Also undoubtedly and always with less monetary reward or incentive. There's a notion that if 'other people's money' is distributed more evenly people will become lazy "why bother working hard when I can have money for free"...if only so freely claimed. On the other capitalist's hand, people are incentivized to work harder by removing support and creating an image of more money being attractive and worth working all hours of the day until enough is 'earned' to employ others to work for us so we no longer have to work so hard blardy blardy blar. Theories only work until they run out of other people's patience. Squeeze people at both ends and we eventually explode or implode depending on how we've been conditioned to button up that stiff upper lip or not. So, other people's money? Aside from all money belonging to the banks, an IOU, it's money, not wealth, money that changes in value daily and depending on which system is in play either trickles up or down amassing un petit petit petit peu in the middle but always mostly up, nearly all in fact, and always very much lessly down. (that's gotta tickle those grammar nerves. 😬 ) Either way, the budget of a country does not work the same as a household budget. That wealth of unknowledge needs to get out of circulation..a Thatcherism that holds no value other than to debunk the left who's idea of socialism also includes capitalism so not so commy as one might be led to understand. No, money spent out of the household purse is gone once spent, right? Ever to be regretted in haste. Money spent out of the country's purse ie all our money and once spent and borrowed (borrowing produces more money), circulates, gains in value as inflation is also decreased (?), so better spent in the public interest rather that "other person's" private stash often offshored whilst said other person gets his or her sense of value by rubbing all our money into their millions worth of extraordinarily clean white yachts and claiming how so very much more deserving he or she sitting high on their gleaming tower of power is because he or she was incentivized to work harder whilst not having his or her safety net removed (not including the small business persons who had the health, ability and confidence to start from nearly nothing..that's another story but one which still very much involves other people's hard work somewhere along the line), n'est-ce pas? 🤔 Who knew the economy could be so complicated, eh! 😜

The establishment do not want democracy.

The wealthy were once believed to be better placed to run our countries, not only because they could afford the time and resources but they were also thought to know better what is good for the people and the country. Of course, having the wealth they also had the education so this may have been truer in the olden days when governments were first formed. They also thought that if the public had any say they, the wealthy land owners would lose their stakes in that land, the public would want a share. They fought against democracy as hard they possibly could. Sourced from Naom Chomsky's book 'Requiem for the American dream' also including the UK.