Saturday 15 February 2020

I release myself.

~ I showed up to say I can hold on no more, the torment is too great. The lie I told myself that I shall stay away. ~ My aim is clear, I walk so he will follow, he follows to push me further so I walk some more in hope he will not go. ~ There's no rest in this desperate tug of war, no respite in inciting change
I know what I must do. Tell the truth, for this lie is on the floor. ~ Walk away today, hang around no more, there is a life waiting, just turn the key and open up the door. ~ Hills far away beckons this weary soul. Leave no trail, no lead, but instead, see all ahead, no more fall foul.

Sunday 9 February 2020

If I could do it all again....

I appreciate I may come across as rather self centred with my words regarding my troubled relationship all honesty, without being able to not only write down what's going on for me but push my words out into the world I'm not sure I'd cope in isolation with nothing but my journal and books for learned comfort. This is an incredible journey for me and one, whilst holding on by a thread at times like today, is one I do not regret...although still no idea how being around personal reminders triggering all manner of anxiety, dread, the heartache that comes from a past full of trauma is going to work out. I'm confident now my addiction is the stress that comes from attaching myself to the distant and unavailable..a repeated pattern from childhood living in a very dramatic household. Always a very good reason for not succeeding in what I want to do outside of my family, my adult offspring.
Turning the clocks back, I'd not do all I have again even in recognition that I wouldn't be where I am now without that torture. Did I consciously choose the unplanned father of my daughter who, along with my defiance giving him drive to control at all costs leading to more than 20 years of my life battling, life lost? Of course, I didn't but I did choose the relationship with him nonetheless as I did this lastest conflicting desire with eyes openly reckless. I pushed beyond my means to complete a degree amongst the war that ensued, means enough to damage my body as I waded through a sea of stress dragging me in deeper with no rescue. I didn't also choose to have someone crash head-on into my car when my client didn't turn up and I left work early providing the exact time and place for the turn in my life that meant giving up all I'd worked for, giving instead time and energy to continue healing my family. It does give me pause to question how this universe works...did I unconsciously send out the signals that my fear of success needed a valid reason to halt the progress I was speedily making? Or did I need that stopped to focus on my direction? And now, the paths I have chosen bringing me right back to improving health with an aim to return to some kind of meaningful work I am rapped in thoughts of not being good enough, another excuse for not succeeding whilst knowing full well I am capable of achieving what I want with the determination that has got me thus far. Why the fear of success? Enter one mother who vehemently trampled out any ideas of "being too clever for my own good" and simultaneously using my grades as an extension of her own worthiness then to add to the confused mess would both abuse my abilities and ridicule me for having them. I became frozen, learned to hide what I knew, feared rejection from others for their feeling intimidated which led to me living up to those expectations and looked down upon anyone too stupid to understand what came so easily for me. Yes, I was obnoxious, it enabled me to maintain my distance, nobody was good enough. An upside down self alienation attaching myself to the not good enough as if to prove my point. I've no one to blame for this bizarre style of coping, not even myself. It's only with hindsight, a willingness and one someone who I still have no idea is a friend or foe having the courage to tell me how I am.
The very challenge I've sought in someone as I challenge another with the directness of what I witness in them. To find and to lose...has this been another fear of success spinning me out of control or another someone not good enough for me? Patiently agonising time, action and conversation will tell. In the meantime, left fumbling alone I am in search of where to direct and expand my capabilities. I have no desire to be perfect, another trait learned and lost to necessity, just good enough to feel satisfied for having faced another, perhaps the ultimate fear with the same gusto bringing me home to my authentic self. Shedding the shackles link by link, chinks in the chain having left their scars as reminders of the fight not quite yet won but well fought, I know I have the biggest hurdle ahead...I look forward with trepidation and cautious excitement, the past's theft of all I gained at the point of winning rumbles still in my unfed belly.

Monday 3 February 2020

Destruction is not mine

The black abyss I feared entering my whole life was not the pits of my soul, the desolation of not being good enough, fear of rejection of all that is my nature but the realization of my own loneliness, the reality of us all. We are profoundly alone no matter what and who we surround ourselves...there is no escape from this reality. It is in deeper connection with others that we can at least share in the bleakness of this existence without escape to satisfy another's as much our own keeping away disturbing discomfort and thus we find relaxed connection to lift us from forsakenness.
This is the only isolation...self imposed, a necessary coping mechanism for attachment, the norm of societal imposition of avoidance creating depressing isolation we perpetually deepen with purchased promises of alleviation, elevation to higher planes with anything but the resolution we truly require. This Western society we have created is moving further and further away from reality and closer to the sickness that permeates all in its wake. Disconnection...destruction, yet I have been deemed the bringer of gloom for exposing the sad reality we would all, if honest, understand as our very own. It is in our connection with our own innate being, the natural in the world we seek from potted plants on windowsills, sunsets and rises to the great expanse of the wilderness we find solace. Human nature is not clothed and wrapped up in material possession but crying out to be released, set free in beautiful nakedness, dancing without care of being watched, judged, shoved back into the boxes that never fit.