Friday 27 July 2018

Haters gonna hate.

'Labour chiefs believe the party's nationalisation plans and proposals to tackle dirty money in the City are likely to attract challenges' shit, they're on the ball with that one. The whole battle against Corbyn has been because the corrupters want to continue corrupting and have greater freedom to do so, not less. Corbyn has threatened them and they will stop at nothing to bring him down..which, amazingly because of all the right wing propaganda, has attracted greater support rather than dimish. People have had enough of the greed, the corruption, the trickle down equating to pissing on the plebs whilst the rich get they really think we are stupid? Sadly, they would be right about the turkeys who vote for Christmas but they are a dying breed it seems. The time is coming for change...not so radical and definitely not so left as the further right than right would have us believe from their radical perspective, but a swing in that direction at least and one, hopefully, will gain traction as people begin to feel empowered..I'd say again but not sure how empowered we've ever been in reality. Democracy is an illusion until we fully take the reigns (yes, I do mean reigns ;) ), after all.

Thursday 26 July 2018

You can't always have what you want but if you try sometime you find you get what you need.

I wonder if I only want what I can't have. The friend I've spoken of who I spent a couple of nights together sent all my panic buttons off when he contacted me so of course, I pushed him away in my own strange ways then, growing up I communicated what I was doing as I didn't want to do that with him, both of us deserved better...via text as face to face was proving difficult without making a date to talk, too heavy even for me, and I hate talking on the phone so not quite as grown up as I'd prefer but the best for me at the time...and he thought that perhaps we shouldn't sleep together again to which I was already inclined to agree as I'd had similar thoughts after the first night in fact although I spent another and would have spent another if he asked because it felt easy, comfortable, right. Since, I've seen him about three times this week already, once after I'd hesitated texting him suggesting a drink and sat there wishing I had when it was too late as I was no longer alone, he showed up as if he could hear my thoughts and I felt really happy he had, glowing in my reconnection with the universe, my faith that life is all connected and all well, something I've been reluctant to trust for a long time, a time when my trust betrayed me. We are still good enough friends, fairly relaxed, although my anxiety is high when I first see him as it always is with anyone I spend the night with regardless of whether I want to see them again or not, plenty in common and I'm discovering we have lots more in common than I realized without any feeling that he's just saying what he thinks I'd like to hear as I've not said anything to lead that conversation, holding my cards close to my chest, and having spent time with my son, his partner and this friend who was out at the same place and time as us, this keeps happening lately and unexpectedly, and how easy, there's that word again, it all is, I'm finding that I'm not able to stop thinking about him, he's on my mind all the time and I long to spend some one on one time with him again, just me and him talking about what we've not really talked about in person. I won't initiate this, however, that's a definite no go area just much as I long I also dread...the last thing I want is for this to be just what I want after all. I have no idea what he's thinking, he regards me as a friend, enjoys my company and wants that to continue, as do I..his friendship is more important to me than any relationship that could ruin that. I'm perplexed, is my interest growing the more he doesn't want that time with me or the more he does as it has been him only asking to meet for a drink? I'm not sure I've ever been so connected with someone and not at the same time, alarm bells usually ring when it's not right not when it is, and this feels right and so very wrong at the same time too...perhaps because I'm not used to this, this being..I'm unsure what it is but I'm certainly used to the confusion of myself. The irony is that I've been telling him that slow and steady wins the race and here I am in a hurry to have the answers. and excited to wait for something slow and steady, regardless of what shape that takes. Just by writing this down I have butterflies flitting around my body like a teen on heat ready for her first true love. What's wrong with me, I'm never this, lots of other weird but never this? The excruciating very big what is, indubitabley, what if he doesn't feel the same, assuming of course that what I feel is something akin to love..or liking a lot at least, let's not be too presumptious here? :/

Saturday 14 July 2018

We've been Trumped.

It's hard to believe Trump does or says anything with intent, with any intelligent thought but the very fact that he is given a platform for acting on his tiny minded and screwed up belief system is unleashing those who are like minded, given them legitimacy in their irrational, ignorant ill thought out ability to processes what is happening in the world. The far right are the first to deny the far right exists and yet there they are, plain for anyone with eyes open to see spreading their nonsense, creating the division and fear they claim to be combating. It's a mind f@ck and these people have to be put into a space that fits the size of the mentally capacity until they have the ability to expand their understanding of reality...and let's be honest, that leaves a vast scope for improvement yet here we are with Theresa May courting a lunatic, permitting him to hold her hand, passively being undermined, patronized revealing her less than strong and stable self..which, of course, was always a joke as she wobbles on dog eared determined to be made a fool of at her every turn, and boy does she turn. I can almost feel sorry for her..almost, as she upholds an elitist boys club parading as a grown up establishment believing she is a prime advocate for women. Erm, no, I don't think so, Mrs May. Any strong and stable woman would not be allowing a Trumped up frat boy to slide his tiny hands into theirs let alone provide a red carpet for him to swan his slimy arse up. No, we must wake up and resist any temptation to be ununified by being distracted by a baby blimp representing a man with extremely dangerous delusions.