Thursday 12 August 2010

Public toilet plea......

Now I intend to tread lightly over this subject so close to my heart, being a woman myself and not wanting to offend my fellow ladies in the queue.

It's the pee on the toilet seat that I am concerned with. You see, I have been having difficulty over quite some time, working out why, when I use a public convenience it's never so convenient to sit upon a seat without getting my bottom wet with an other's pee. It's horrible to say the least!

I have concluded that it is a cycle produced by the very same disgust I feel about sitting on a wet seat - ladies hover to avoid this and thus often miss, as it can be a struggle to hover, looking at the floor with the blood rushing to our heads and making sure we don't at least get our own clothing wet. During this uncomfortable experience and with a desire to get it over with as soon as possible, we often pee on instead of in the loo. I understand this, I really do. To hover over a foot and and a half of porcelain isn't exactly a natural state to be in, particularly when other needs of relief are taking priority. I know many may find it an unusual practice to squat over a hole in the ground, but at least our head would be in a position that leaves us better orientated.

I imagine those more fragile or with aching limbs could be out of balance, creating a greater cascade of falling toilet splash. I don't for the life of me understand why it is often not thought of to at least lift the seat before leaving an artistic array of droplets for an unsuspecting bottom to sit upon. I appreciate that some woman do lift the seat and it is most gratefully welcomed. I bid a heartfelt thank you to all who consider this.

Please don't get me wrong, I do not spend my time sitting on wet toilet seats, of course I have the sense to wipe them over prior to sitting. A job I have to say that I detest. What on earth could make a person think that it would be acceptable to leave their pee for another to wipe up I have no idea. Would they be OK to wipe up my pee (should I leave any, which I don't)? I doubt it, hence the need for hovering in the first place.

As this isn't necessarily a cheery subject to be writing about, I will keep it short. More over, I would like to address this as a plea, and I do mean plea, to all fellow woman.....

...please, please wipe your seat pee and leave it dry for other bums. Let us stick together in our public toilet use and consider the next bottom you encounter in the never ending ladies queue, it may be your pee about to saturate the poor bum!!

Thursday 5 August 2010

Life can be strange....

Just when we think we have it all sorted out and know what we are doing....whoosh, it all just seems to turn upside down and back to front.

I've just returned from a two week, what shall I call it...for the sake of no other explanation, holiday for all sense and purpose. Aside from the usual jet lag, despite not having flown, I feel that my whole life has become unrecognisable as I knew it, if I ever did. It was a journey into another country that turned into a journey with many shapes. Despite feeling exhausted, I feel that I have been woken to a reality I had not seen as clear as I do now.

How could I have lived a life not seeing what a two holiday has revealed? I'm not certain why or what makes us wake up to certain realities at any one time, perhaps we only see what we need to see when we are ready to see it. I suppose you're waiting for me to reveal my holiday experience and how it has changed my life. Without giving away too much, protecting identities of those unsuspecting individuals concerned, I can say that I went away for a rest and instead came home with a break. No, I didn't break my leg, I have had torn open the picture of a person I thought I knew.

I recall my father once telling me that a holiday can either make or break a relationship, this one certainly proved that theory - it's most definitely broken!

What I find most disturbing is just how much my life feels changed in such a short space of time. Two weeks ago I thought I knew what I was doing. Now I am back at home I realise I never have and probably never will. A journey can change a perception and life can change with no going back. Forgive me, I am being vague. I am feeling vague,living in limbo, where ever that maybe!

Nothing to do but ride it through until something feels familiar. When the new becomes the old and another corner is turned.

I need a break........

Be happy, be back soon! :)

Monday 19 July 2010

The sound of progress (the lost one!!)........

I have at last found my lost blog, it was saved after all!!

Please, will someone turn down the volume. I sit here, it's now 9.37am on a lovely sunny day, listening to diggers, dumpers, cement mixers and the colourful cry of the building community outside of my window with a view. They have been there since 8am in May sometime and driving me absolutely crazy!

Now, I can understand why anyone would want to invent machinery that can cut time and manual labour, don't get me wrong, I would absolutely hate to be without my vibrating washing machine. The thought of using a scrubbing board and mangle as my grandmother did holds only romantic notions of experiencing some of life in the past, to travel back in time as it was. Taking a closer look at this progress into a noisy world though, how has it helped us, really?

Well, for starters, we can travel to almost all corners of the world, and relatively cheaply if we choose a budget airline, or drive (aside from the ever increasing price of petrol of course!) So OK, it can be great to experience other cultures and witness how other people live. This can enrich our own lives, if we allow it. It can make us appreciate what we have if we have seen how others can survive in relative poverty. Maybe travel isn't so noisy, as long as we don't live next to the runway, so I wouldn't want to do without that either. What else? The television and radio, when I can hear it over the sounds of diggers and dumpers! Oh dear, it appears I could be shooting myself in the foot now, I like both of these, a lot!

Naturally, as I have been raised in this progressive western world, I have become used, nay, dependant on these labour and time saving devises. But, hang on, how do they really save time? OK, so I don't need to stand over the sink washing my clothes, sheets, towels and smalls, giving me more time TV and listen to the radio of course!!

My point here is that we have become so used to using these time and labour saving devises that we know not much else, it has become our way of life. We now go to the gym, jog and try out many of the interesting techniques of keeping fit and flexible. Whereas, prior to the washing machines, lawn mowers, diggers and entertainment devises, we worked out in the kitchen, the garden and in walking to the theatre or, if more inclined, the public houses for our entertainment and leisure. I find it ironic that there are so many time saving ways of communicating nowadays, the computer for e-mail, chat and of course, blogs, the telephones and mobiles and whatever other cyber links there are out there, and yet, a lot of people often complain about feelings of loneliness. In amongst the many means of communication, we may be losing the art of the deep and meaningful conversations that let each of us know that we are not alone.

So, maybe to really progress, the only noise we need to make is the noise of loving and caring conversation, laughter and the slurping of wine and munching of good home cooked food, you know, like they used to do!!

Monday 12 July 2010

At the beginning...

Okay, so I have the heading, now where do I start....

I've been thinking about writing for many years, as far back as a child even. I love books, the look of them, the smell, and of course the content - I love to write more! I spend a lot of my time pondering on all sorts of things and thought that I would like share my ponderings to anyone who may be interested, or not.

I have much time on my hands these days, having been diagnosed with ME/CFS (myalgic something or other that I don't remember/chronic fatigue syndrome that I do!) so think maybe now would be as good a time as any to get to grips with some blogging to begin with.

Julia is my name and sharing is my game. Although having spent most of my life being a private person, frustratingly not as nontransparent as I'd hoped to be, I do love to share stories, anecdotes, theories and pretty much anything else that springs to mind. I have managed to get myself into all kinds of trouble by sharing my thoughts and beliefs, not particularly good for one who doesn't handle backlashes very well!

For me it has been more important to get to the truth of things, whether that's the truth of who's responsible for who's behaviour or of whether someone is lying or not, amongst many other truths to be found. Of course I know truth can be a very subjective idea, depending on who's looking. I also understand that to deny one's own truth can, not only harm one's self, but other's around them too. For example; should I lie to myself about how I feel and smile when feeling very annoyed about something or, more than likely, someone, I could be sending out confusing signals. When a friend or family member asks if I'm feeling upset, I could say something along the lines of 'oh yeah, I'm fine', through gritted teeth or forced smile. Understandably my friend or family member could very easily feel confused and, maybe not wanting to upset me further, collude with my delusion, leaving me feeling safe and deceptively OK. Until, that is, my pretending to be OK when not tank overloads and combusts in the face of an unsuspecting, relatively innocent party!!

Not all would be clear to say the least, and naturally could very easily leave the person who sensed that I was not quite as OK as I had falsely and falsely happily claimed, to doubt their innate ability to read another's feelings, possibly doubting themselves as a result.

So you see, or you may not, how truth can be a very important factor in enabling relationships to be straightforward, or as straightforward as can be possible given our natural tendency to be complex beings.

The truth can at times be painful, but how about the pain that can come from denying the truth? I think that, in the long run at least, can be much more painful. At least knowing the truth can open our eyes to what is happening and the possibilities of making a difference to either ourselves or the world around us.

It wouldn't be very fair of me to talk about the truth of things without giving some truth about me, so here goes nothing. For starters, I can be a huge hypocrite and not surprisingly hate hypocrisy with a passion. So how do I deal with myself, that's easy I make it up as I go along, simply changing my mind when the wind blows me in a different direction. I do have some fairly strong values or beliefs, being flexible is one of them. I won't be tied to any one idea or person. I am most loyal to my wonderfully colourful children, much to their grief at times.

As for the rest of it, well I guess that will leak out in my writing over time, not really being very good at being private!!

.......there's more, oh so much more!!

Be happy, sometimes that's all we have, and the truth of course! :)