Thursday 12 August 2010

Public toilet plea......

Now I intend to tread lightly over this subject so close to my heart, being a woman myself and not wanting to offend my fellow ladies in the queue.

It's the pee on the toilet seat that I am concerned with. You see, I have been having difficulty over quite some time, working out why, when I use a public convenience it's never so convenient to sit upon a seat without getting my bottom wet with an other's pee. It's horrible to say the least!

I have concluded that it is a cycle produced by the very same disgust I feel about sitting on a wet seat - ladies hover to avoid this and thus often miss, as it can be a struggle to hover, looking at the floor with the blood rushing to our heads and making sure we don't at least get our own clothing wet. During this uncomfortable experience and with a desire to get it over with as soon as possible, we often pee on instead of in the loo. I understand this, I really do. To hover over a foot and and a half of porcelain isn't exactly a natural state to be in, particularly when other needs of relief are taking priority. I know many may find it an unusual practice to squat over a hole in the ground, but at least our head would be in a position that leaves us better orientated.

I imagine those more fragile or with aching limbs could be out of balance, creating a greater cascade of falling toilet splash. I don't for the life of me understand why it is often not thought of to at least lift the seat before leaving an artistic array of droplets for an unsuspecting bottom to sit upon. I appreciate that some woman do lift the seat and it is most gratefully welcomed. I bid a heartfelt thank you to all who consider this.

Please don't get me wrong, I do not spend my time sitting on wet toilet seats, of course I have the sense to wipe them over prior to sitting. A job I have to say that I detest. What on earth could make a person think that it would be acceptable to leave their pee for another to wipe up I have no idea. Would they be OK to wipe up my pee (should I leave any, which I don't)? I doubt it, hence the need for hovering in the first place.

As this isn't necessarily a cheery subject to be writing about, I will keep it short. More over, I would like to address this as a plea, and I do mean plea, to all fellow woman.....

...please, please wipe your seat pee and leave it dry for other bums. Let us stick together in our public toilet use and consider the next bottom you encounter in the never ending ladies queue, it may be your pee about to saturate the poor bum!!

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