Monday 24 August 2020

Are we liberated yet?

As women, we never needed to prove that we can be as equal in performing as men if not better, we needed and still need to disparage such beliefs that what men do, which many women now do also, is superior to a woman's position regardless of what privileges or not we are born into or attain. Equality isn't about having or doing the same, it's about the opportunities presented being of equal value whether traditionally regarded as women or men's roles or attributes. It appears we may have fought to play a part in a non egalitarian world rather than change the game. It seems to me that we have not so much gained liberation but an even greater job to do leaving us with too little time and energy to devote to our children what they require to grow into mature liberated adults. They are instead being influenced more by their immediate and age proportionately immature peer groups as we send them off to other institutions to secure their wellbeing and future.
Why has the most important job both men and women can do been relegated to the ethics of an oppressive workforce? Nurturing, caregiving parenthood traditionally viewed as a women's role whilst men provide the bread that now both parents generally need to work for. What as women in the 21st century have we gained with our fight for independence in reality at what cost to us all? Could perhaps such answers lie in the question of who were the women who instigated the woman's liberation movement and continue to claim its advocators and from what privileges they formed and form their views?

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